Saturday, August 24, 2024

London 8/20-22/2024

 Two trains and easy walk to my Airbnb.  Just opted for a room and I got a huge space.  Didn't notice no TV, so glad I love to read and can work on my blog.

I'm  in a basement and I like that it is cool.  Great bed.  Slept in late today.  Many goofy things, but OK.

Went to a Couchsurfing meetup at a bar close enough for me to walk to.  Had one beer. Met some nice folks and walked home before it got really dark.  Did stop on way back for some food, simple stuff. 

 Today I walked downtown in this area, walked by British Museum and was going to pop in and I don't know how many people were in line, no thanks.  Stopped into an amazing ceramics shop.  If I was rich I would have bought one of each.  Really top of the line work.

Along my walk so many interesting things.


One of my other destinations was Fabrique. A favorite bakery (went in 2019) as they have cardamon buns.  So, in essence I walked about 3 miles to have this treat.  Ate 2, brought 3 home.  Good breakfast.  Now I'm  pastry bankrupt.

So all is going great.  If I have my pastry and coffee all is good.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

8/19/24 Off for a Week in London

 Monday my pet sitting family, hereinafter Dot and Geoff, took me for a ride up to Chartwell, Winston Churchill's home from 1921 and lived there 40 years.  A beautiful estate and gardens.  His artist studio is there and we were able to see many of his paintings.  I'm  a real fan of his in most respects.  Perfect no, but I feel we'd  be living a different world if he hadn't been at the helm during WWII.

I wanted to sit here and have tea.
Such a beautiful room.

We then drove home.  I had mentioned lemon possessions to Dot.  She'd never had it.  Looked up recipe and we decided to make it.  Fu. To cook together.  Geoff, king of the French fry, who knew I loved them made a batch and a super tender steak, salad.  A wonderful dinner with now dear friends.  We will visit again.

Oh yes, we had a little wine, lol

Delicious feast

Great, lovely friends.  I'll  miss them and
Kitty cat Harvey.  He even slept with me
After they came home.  Super kitty.

Lemon possessions, tasty with shortbread.

Went to bed and looked out my window and
there was a beautiful full moon saying Goodbye to me from East Grinstead 

Feb to July 10, 2024 Back Again - 2024 Good, Bad, Ugly

Hiatus over, let's come back to doing what I enjoy, sharing.

It has been probably a top bad year in many ways.  Trip to Charleston for my trial was not good.  I guess the jury didn't think I really had a case, which I can't understand.  But after five years it is over and I've got to just let that go.

Jupiter 4th of July weekend, plant sitting.

Vicky. Relaxing with her beer.

Lighthouse at Jupiter. FL.

Crafts with the girls at my house, and Sid.

Went for a nice walk at Wall Springs Park.
They have amazing benches....and people, lol.

Oue Airbnb.  No railing.  Day before my trial I fell from top stair over side onto a bike rack.  Really hit my head. Thought I was dead.  Bit bruised shoulder and scraped knee.  Sore for days.  Thank God nothing serious.  Told that place they need a railing!!  Wonder if they did it?

Charleston, NC

Charleston, NC

On Friendship Force Conference
Injury when I fell on my face.

Lost my two front teeth when I tripped over
tools on stairway in restaurant.  11/2018

Then being a good girl I had a new water heater installed.  Well after about a month it sprang a leak unbeknownst to me and sprayed out in its little water closet outside the trailer and caused a major, major mold problem and damage to three of my walls.  My insurance denied my claim due to the fact that the leak was not in a wall or under a floor.  That was hard to believe.  So at this moment I'm in the process of having my entire bathroom redone.  I am having a walk in shower installed which will be nice.  All redone which is OK, but it is not anything I would have even contemplated without the mold damage.  So if you come over you can use my new bathroom, lol.  Over $12,000 and I never would have changed a thing.  Only good is  I have walk in shower.  Didn't  need that either since other bathroom has one.  Oh well, such is life.

Look at that mold!!!  Thanks new heater.

July 3rd - 7th, went to Jupiter, Florida to "plant sit" which was a first.  It was fun.  There were 3 areas - 2 balconies and the side and front outside.  The weather was truly Florida, around 93F with humidity that was very high.  My friend Vicky went with me and we did as much as we could in the heat, but no extended outings.  Nice area and the plants were on their best behavior.  Stayed in a beautiful 3-story home.  I think no more stairs for me when pet sitting or plant sitting.  Too much up and down for me.  But it was a fun trip.  We made some good food in the beautiful kitchen and had some great meals at local restaurants.

This is out of order. Sorry

  A mess, but I'm  not spending 2 hours to fix.
