Wednesday, July 31, 2019

DeGrazia Museum & Gallery - Tucson, AZ

Have been aware of work by this famous artist for many years so it was a treat to visit.  Cheryl knows I love art so  me she brought me to  visit.

Ted DeGrazia was an interesting native Arizonian who I want to learn more about.  I'm sure he was quite a character.    He was definitely an individualist who seemed to love his state and the original people who homesteaded.

His art has lots of movement and color.  Preferred to work in oil with a knife, but also did pen and pencil along with watercolor and chalk. many collections - children, bulls, rodeo, and other topics.  Also worked with metal, clay and other mediums.

Diego Rivera, whose art I enjoy, actually sponsored an exhibition by DeGrazia.

I enjoyed my visit to his studio/gallery, the chapel and grounds.


DeGrazia's chapel

He painted such sweet children

 Century cactus.  Blooms once and then dies.

Rain starting.

Downtown Historic Tucson
Had a fun day taking pictures

Missy, Mike & Cheryl's dog.  Quite a
little character