Way up high
Love those aspens
Many hillsides full of bare aspen, so pretty.
Snow still on the ground.
No red rocks here
This was so high it dwarfed us
I was surprised to see this. Seemed like we were too high in elevation. This is the only grouping we saw.
Looks like sliced bread.
We drove for miles through the park until we came to a dirt road
and turned around. Our car isn't made for off road trips.
This boulder was huge.
So many colors
I was in a tree/photo mood.
Interesting fence.
Glad it wasn't a wild fire.
What a fun day this was. Surprising in all the different things we saw. Sat on the edge of a huge drop off and had a nice picnic. Headed back to Kanab and along the way stopped in to a store and bought myself a native American flute. Tortured John the rest of the trip home when I practiced.