Friday, August 21, 2015

Canyonlands National Park, UT

Canyonlands was incredible.  The other parks seems to have high peaks to look at, but Canyonlands had the deep, etched wonderful gorges.  It was fascinating and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.  I got such a different feeling here with the big vistas and canyons.

Can't really say more than the photos, so I will try to let them speak.

Early birds.  It was so cool to see these guys.
I love seeing wild turkeys.

 Many deer crossing the road in the morning.

This looks like it could have been 100 years ago -- except for the red vehicle in the background

 The sky was amazing on our drive to Canyonlands

 Love the green

My artsy picture

 Cairns - we saw quite a few

The Monitor and the Merrimac

 A very special place

Don't back up too far for the shot

Just crazy looking.  Shows the power of water

 Oh what clouds.

Deep canyons - vast 

That's the Colorado River down there.

On our drive to the park we must have stopped 50 times to take pictures.  Just the drive over was fantastic.  The sky and clouds were breathtaking and the entire day filled with beauty was almost overwhelming.  One of my favorite parks.


1 comment:

  1. What an incredible place! Those canyons are just beyond belief, if you didn't see them with your own eyes. Love that white flower and all your artsy shots.
