Tuesday, April 18, 2023

I'm Back 4/18/23

I'm Back............rested and recouped.                                                                  4/18/23

After a several year hiatus, with my last blog done in 2021, seems my energy is restored and I'm going to start blogging again.  I may go back and try to recreate some of my travels that I didn't write about.  I'll go through my photos and try figure out what I did. Thank goodness for precious photographs.  Blogging is a lot of work, but it is fun and keeps memories alive. 

Speaking of photos, a reminder of what I learned from my own experience. Just a suggestion: Be sure and take lots of pictures of "your people" because someday if your someone isn't here anymore, you are going to enjoy looking at the pictures you took of them.  I look back now and wonder why I took 25 flower photos, when I should have taken many more pictures of John. Now, I'm not saying I don't have pictures of John.....he would always say, "No, don't take my picture", but I insisted. I would just love to have more of him. One of the best things for me is Facebook Memories. I so enjoy seeing him and us in our life together, and they always bring a smile to my face. Anyway, for what it is worth, get your loved one(s) in front of the camera. Take no excuses of "I'm too fat,or  I'm too......".  You'll be glad you did.

Today I'm sitting in Palm Harbor pet sitting for my friend, and I do have some relaxing time to think about the things I'd like to accomplish, and my blog just popped into my mind. I enjoy it because it documents what I've done, where I've gone, some special photos, and most importantly people. In case you don't know, I love people!

So I hope you will come along for the ride. First, I'll start with finishing several draft blogs I have. It will be interesting to see what I can remember from a few years ago. Right now I'm working on a big trip to Dubrovnik, so that will be forthcoming.  Also plans to go to Tucson and Philadelphia this year.

I'll throw in some miscellaneous photos here just for fun.

All my best,


P.S.  When I put two spaces between sentences, please forgive me. I've typed for 40 + years and it is a habit that is hard to break. To me, it does look weird to have the sentences so close together, but I'm going to try.

Friends I met years ago in Cancun.  They
are Michigan snowbirds.  Always fun!!

Following four photos are from Imagine
Museum (glass).  I think I've been there six
times and never tire of it.  Magnificent!!

Just for Fun group, had a pot luck at
my house after a park walk.  We've discovered lots
of new parks this year and had many of good times.

My precious Amigas - Easter at Vicky's

  • “If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” —Lao Tzu

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