Monday, September 28, 2020

National Coffee Day 2020 - Blessed We Be There is Coffee

Tomorrow is National Coffee Day!!!!!!!!! Bless the Coffee Bean

I wonder how many cups of coffee I've had in my life? I started drinking coffee in 2nd grade. Both my parents consumed mass quantities and we ALWAYS had our coffee maker on. Different from today.

My dad drank 1/2 cup and hot, hot. My mom would drink it hot, cold anyway. Both black coffee. Me, as a junior coffee drinker, it was (in those days!!!) evaporated milk and probably 2 heaping spoons of sugar. I always left the spoon in the cup and held it back with my finger when I drank (odd??)

Then there were the artificial sweetner days, at 17 yrs. old starting with sucral (liquid I would squirt from a tall bottle) since I was watching my weight. Then the pink/blue sweetners.

About 2016 I switched to sugar and when a person drinks mass quantities each day, you can only imagine how much sugar I had flowing in my bloodstream.

In 2019, being diagnosed with prediabetes I decided that if I was going to drink the stuff it was going to have to be black. Well, let me tell you that was one tough thing to do. I would be good for 10 cups and then break down and have 2% milk and sugar. Of course, the best is with half and half or real cream!!!!!

Then started doing pretty good with black coffee EXCEPT when I went out to eat. I figured I deserved a treat with my meal out (which was often) and I would use cream and sugar for several cups at the restaurant. I knew I shouldn't do it, but it was just such a great treat.

So one day I said to myself let's quit playing this little game and drink it black or don't. So that's where I am now. Very seldom do I "cheat" and add anything. Truthfully, I don't enjoy it as much without all my additives, but still drink it. I wish I could have the love back but it just doesn't taste that special. I'm an addict and that's OK.

One one of my health checks the doctor said, "Do you drink coffee?" I said, "Yes." Doc said, "How many cups do you drink a day?" and I answered, "Oh probably more than 5 and up to who knows." I then said, "Don't even think about telling me to limit my coffee because that is not going to happen." I have given up so many things from cigarettes to eating lots of sweets and even my sweet, yummy coffee. There is no way in the world I would give up 5+ cups of my coffee a day

I can drink coffee 24 hrs a day. I 99% of the time drink coffee (not a soda girl) and water, sometimes. I can drink coffee in bed reading and fall asleep with no problem.

I also collect coffee pots and have about 20 beautiful stainless steel ones, some old ones and some coffee sets with cream and sugars with matching trays.

French press, percolator (electric or stove stop) Mr. Coffee, Keurig, campfire. There are so many ways to make the delicious brew and I think I've tried most. I even have used instant on my Arizona trip, making it in my 12V coffee cup, heating the water as I drive down America's highways.

So that's my coffee story to share. I wish you a very happy National Coffee Day. 

I was surprised at my pictures of my coffee stops. In Europe especially daily afternoon coffee is required. Sweet memories of friends as I recognize these: Coffee with Julian, Cheryl, Joann (New Orleans - obvious). Maybe part of coffee is sharing it with friends!!!!!

Go celebrate coffee with a good cup with a friend.

My French press that I do use

Charles de Gaulle with Julian - our trip South

Probably my most expensive coffee. Harrod's in London
Cheryl and I, one coffee and one croissants each was
around $42 U.S. We were shocked.

Cheryl and my favorite coffee shop in
London. Chapter 72. We even bought beans
to bring home and use. Delish!!!!! They even make
a coffee martini (but we didn't have one).

London, Tate Museum

Just took photo due to cute name

Early day in London, stopped for breakfast at "The Cat
and Cucumber". Different menu, but we found something
we liked. Always a challenge to eat in U.K.

Cheryl, Julian and me. I had seached out a bakery that had
cardammon pastry (my total fav) and we found this Fabrique
Bakery that was right on our way to our museum that day
GLORIOUS!!!!!!! I took several to go.

Breakfast in Prague with Mike and Cheryl. Nice hearty
meal in a cute restaurant.

Where else but New Orleans. Cafe Du Monde coffee
and the famous and delicious beignets. Powered
sugar was everywhere. With my friend Joann.

Bermondsey, UK. Julian and I had coffee
at a place he discovered and enjoyed.

Have a great day!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww sweet story. I didn't start drinking coffee until I was in the hospital after I had Roseann. Was thrilled you could order any thing and every thing on the I did. I do not enjoy it black either but I have been buying flavored coffee for my Kureing and it's much more enjoyable, my 1 is blueberry.
