Monday, August 31st, started with some rain, had to pull over one time with rain so heavy it was almost impossible to see the road. That is how Florida rain can be. Had a lovely lunch with new friend in Ocala, FL, Jenny and her daughter. She made us a nice salad and we spent a few hours discussing many things. Wonderful stop. Thank you for your hospitality!
After lunch, hit the road to stay with an old friend in Tallahassee, Tiffany. John and I had met her several years ago couch surfing on our way to Florida, and this was my third night with her over the years. She's such a sweetie. She is working from home so it was nice to be able to just arrive whenever. I took her out for a good Mexican dinner and we had fun. She has built a new home since the last time I saw her and it was lovely. She is such a great decorator. Hoping to stop by on my way home and stay more than one night so we can do something fun together.
In the morning I wanted to go see something while there. It was important to me not to just drive, but to find a little time to check out some things along the way. I've been to Baton Rouge twice before so checked out TripAdvisor for top 10 to dos and decided to go to the Louisiana State University Museum of Art downtown, right next to the Mississippi River. I had just joined the Imagine Museum in St. Petersburg, FL and it is a member of the Reciprocal Museum Agreement. I asked if LSU Museum was a member and they were, so free admission. Very nice, small (perfect sized museum for a morning). Even had a painting by Diego Riviera. Thoroughly enjoyed this reprieve from the road that morning.
Tuesday I headed to Silsbee, TX. I drove through Cameron, Louisiana, the city that about 4 days before was directly hit by hurricane Laura and it tore up the area pretty bad. I got some photos and it was so sad. The name of the city "Cameron" was upside down on the freeway, just bent over. There were hundreds of the huge billboards knocked flat along the highway. I couldn't stop and take pictures. I was surprised at the damage. Thousands of line trucks in the area and electrical lines down all over the place. Sure made me realize that I don't want to experience a hurricane up close and personal.
My GPS took me to Silsbee on some crazy back roads, but it was pretty. Went to spend the night with my friend, another couch surfer I've know for probably 6 years. John and I met Melinda in Galveston, TX when we went on our first cruise. I had put out a note saying let me know if any couch surfers in Galveston want to meet up for a burger or brew and we met Melinda. We had stayed with her several times coming and going Idaho to FL. She and her son, Anthony, took me out for a nice seafood dinner and I had my first Boudin* balls and a bite of alligator. We we had a good visit.

I will say that throughout this trip my mind kept going to memories of all the good times John and I had traveling back and forth of this road. On the way to Tallahassee I said to myself, OK, you've done enough reminiscing so let's move on and have a new "you" adventure. I thought I could do it, but John was just there with me the entire trip. Finally I accepted it and went with the flow. The drive really did make me miss him so much though.
So weird when up camping when Cheryl said to me, "I haven't had any feathers from John in a long time." I said, "I know I haven't either." I even took a little walk up at camp and was looking hard, around trees and on the trail. Not a feather. The next day when we were packing up and I was on the passenger side of Mike's old truck I looked down and there was a feather. Wow, cool. I went over the driver side to show Cheryl that I had found a feather and looked down on her side and heck if there wasn't another feather -- a really pretty one. I said, "Here's your feather Cheryl." So I put the feathers in my car and it was so cool. Now the weird part. We get back to Tucson at Cheryl's house. She asked me if I needed a book to read and said that she had one she thought I might like. I said yes and later she showed me where she had one of her little piles of books. I picked up the book and sort of shook something off the top and it fell onto the other book sitting there. I looked to see what it was and it was a little feather. Cheryl does not have a bird, or a feather duster, yet there was a feather right on top of the book she suggested I read. Just amazing. John was just sending me messages. I also had a dream he was in the night before and haven't had one that I remember for 2 years. So he has been with me all along and I thank him for his messages. Guess he's just going to be my traveling companion.
Sorry I write so much, wish I could keep it shorter. I'll work on that for next one. To be continued. Comments appreciated.
*(Boudin are various kinds of sausage in French, Luxembourgish, Belgian, Québécois, Acadian, Aostan, Louisiana Creole and Cajun cuisine. Balls are formed and then deep fried. Pretty tasty.)
I loved reading this!! The pics are awesome!! Yes yoi are correct with the "only in Texas" yard comment LOL
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this!! The pics are awesome!! Yes yoi are correct with the "only in Texas" yard comment LOL
ReplyDeleteI envy you the trip. I have a road trip starting in April or May for about two months. I am going with my daughter and a friend.
Very nice as always. I love history and those kind of art museums. Your car looks almost just like the one I have on Cape Cod. Can't wait to see more ss you travel around. Funny when the Pandemic started you would hardly leave your house. Now you are out traveling, eating out, public bathrooms, gas stations and in others homes. I should would not feel comfortable doing that but you go girlfriend you go. Stay healthy and enjoy the adventures. OXO
ReplyDeleteGreat travel observations! Glad you're taking time to explore at every opportunity! Good souls along the way, nice! Enjoyed this. Thanks! Have fun, enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI liked it a lot!