Monday, September 23, 2019

Boise - 8/6 - 8/27/2019

My annual trip to Boise.  Always a joy to be "home" and see so many friends.  Boy I was so busy with pet sitting two dogs and meeting up with friends.  I gained weight with all the restaurant eating, but it was fun.  Enjoyed all the good Mexican food and had it several times.  Was warmly greeted by so many.  Many times it was just a quick meal, but it really wasn't like time had passed by, it was like we had seen each other the week before.  That is what is cool about good friends -- you just pick up where you left off.

I had my normal foothill mini hike that I love so much.  It is great to get up to the top and look down over beautiful Boise.  I had another short hike with Cathy that we enjoyed.  As I said, lots of Mexican food and a great Thai meal where I had my first Thai coffee that was so good.

The hardest part is always saying good bye.  I did attend a memorial service for a dear friend while I was there and was so glad I was included.  Saw tons of people there that I hadn't seen for years and years.

Went to the Western Idaho Fair, something I haven't done in a long, long time.  That was so fun and it was wonderful to see the art, flower arranging, quilts and photography.

I wanted to spend more time with everyone, but time was limited.  I think when I go back next year I will have a picnic like I've done in the past and hopefully lots of folks can come.  I had to buy a write in calendar to keep track of when I was going where.

Again, I noticed right away how wonderful the people in Boise are.  They are courteous and friendly.  I heard a lot of complaining about the "new" people moving in from California, the changes, the horrid traffic.  I remember in 1984 when we were "new" and we were told, "get those California licenses plates off your car as fast as you can."  Change is not easy and my hope is that the newbies will adopt the Idaho way and not try to change the city into little California.  That is why they came.  I can honestly say, with all my travels, that Boise is one of the finest cities in the world and that is something to be proud of.

So I'll post some photos and hope you enjoy them.  If you've never been to the West try to get out there.  It is amazingly beautiful and very special.  If you have any questions about what to see, where to go please let me know.  I've been to all states, and many cities and would say I was pretty savvy on this topic and can help you.  Just the National Parks out West are beyond belief.  Idaho itself is 61% federally owned land - protected.  So you can imagine you can find pristine places.

Long lost cousin reunion
It was great to see Judy and Wendy

My friend Cathy's van.  She retired and this is
her home until she wants to settle down.  Very cool.

Great memorial service at Robie Creek.  Many old
friends.  Casual, but very meaningful.  For my
probably first friend in Boise, who was 11 years
old when I met him, Jason Wells.  A great guy.

Cathy, van girl, my dear friend.  We've been
through a lot together raising our kids and beyond.

Fun mini golf, our family always loves it and I know John was looking down on us.  Derek, Caitlin, Jake, Cathy and Robert

My favorite ice cream, besides their Ginger.
They make the best ice cream and I can't find it in Florida.  When
I discovered this I wrote to the company telling them how much
I loved it.  The lady said they were trying to get to Florida (not yet)
but she said if I wanted to pay for the postage she would send me
some free.  Nice offer, but postage was prohibitive.  Nice company.

So weird, neither Mary or me have been to this garden
which is right in Boise.  See your backyard!!!!!

We called this the Stonehenge of Boise.

A tree made out of all different pieces of wood.  In other
words, a fake "wood" tree.  Very interesting art.

They had lots of crazy sculptures

I posted this on Facebook and got so many likes.  It 
is really pretty.  We saw lots of flowers we'd never seen before.
A very high quality garden and it would be fun to visit it 
in all four seasons (not sure about winter??)

Lovely backyard where I pet sat.  I spend a bit of
time out here enjoying nature and watching the dogs.

I made two tuna casseroles (Robert's favorite)
and I has one serving and he ate all the rest.  That
guy can really eat.

Utility box downtown, nice idea

Boise downtown.  I love murals and public art
and this is always a fun place to visit.

Had to stop and take a little sit down.

This is a favorite, cracks me up.

These arts are all so talented.  How wonderful
to be able to create these pieces and share
them with so many people -- for free.

My friend Jodi was given a message that she
had to buy me this cup.  Of course, it was
John asking.  I cried when I saw it and use
it every day.  Means so much -- feather.

Pretty sparklers at my pet sit house.
I think I am going to make some of
these.  Took lots of pictures.

My dear long lost cousins.  They moved into the
next town over.  They have lived all over the
country.  We had such a great visit and it
made us all so happy -- I have very limited
family so really appreciate these guys.

My son, Robert.

Well, what can I say.

Beautiful blouse I bought in Boise.  It was on
60% clearance -- just waiting for me.

Sweetest friends, they took me for Thai lunch
and he insisted I have Thai coffee - so glad I listened!!!

Mary, me and Miss Idaho.  This girl was so darn
sweet and had such natural beauty.  I told her it
was refreshing to see her without pounds of make-up
and she surely didn't need it.  A great girl.

Two of Robert's masks.  He collects them and John
and I brought him several on our travels.

Boise River

My friend Kent spent the day with me.  He
served lunch, a wonderful soup he made, and then took 
a hot day walk along the Greenbelt.

Nice resting place on Greenbelt.

My yearly walk up at the reserve to
see a great view of downtown Boise.  I
was able to convince Robert to go with me.

I'm so glad I bought this hat in April.  I've
used it a lot.  Have to wear it through the
airport and it makes me feel a little odd.

Hot summer, dry along trail.  One can
see how the forest fires can go crazy.  I felt
lucky this year because most years in Boise
you are breathing so much smoke from fires
from Montana to Oregon.  Much better fire year.

Me and my boy.

Had a lovely grilled salmon dinner at
Linda's house.   Thanks for cooking Kelly.

Sweet memories of some good Mexican
food meals I had in Boise.

A big thank you to all my friends who spent time with me.  Each of you is a gem in my crown of friendship and valued.  I enjoyed each of you and as they say in Spanish, hasta luego

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