Orlando Hospitalization
1/6/ - 1/13/13
Sunday, ate some pizza and salad and then we went to a few souvenir stores to look around.
Monday, took John to VA. Checked in, sent to Green Team, then to enrollment (since we are with Boise VA), back to Green Team check in, saw doctor, sent to x-ray, back to Green Team check in, then doctor.
Doctor looked at x-rays and said, you've got fluid on the lungs and are in heart failure. You are going to the hospital. The VA is only a Medical Center with no hospital so they contract with Florida Hospital Winter Park. The VA in Orlando was so busy. We arrived at 11:00 a.m. It is take a number, but for all the places we went he was headed to hospital around 2:30 p.m. They have pretty organized processes and don't mess around.
Tues. John in hospital, tests. I called Robert and he talked to his Dad. We discussed his coming to stay with us in a few weeks and also go to Mexico. This will give him some down time and give us plenty of time to talk about future plans for us all. I did go in the pool since it was so warm I walked right in. That is very unusual for a heated pool. Went in hot tub too and relaxed. Got to sleep about 4:30 a.m.
At the condo there was a fire drill. That was fun at 10:00 p.m. while in my pajamas. I grabbed my purse, and leopard blanket and went down 6 flights of stairs -- barefoot (what was I thinking or not). Got to the bottom and remembered that I had car keys so I went and got my flip flops, thank goodness. Seems someone burnt some cookies in the oven. Waited outside for about 45 minutes until all clear and waited another 15 minutes for elevator. I wasn't about to go up 6 flights.
Wednesday and John had his chemical stress test. He said it was a bit scary at times, but much better than he thought it would be.
At the condo there was a fire drill. That was fun at 10:00 p.m. while in my pajamas. I grabbed my purse, and leopard blanket and went down 6 flights of stairs -- barefoot (what was I thinking or not). Got to the bottom and remembered that I had car keys so I went and got my flip flops, thank goodness. Seems someone burnt some cookies in the oven. Waited outside for about 45 minutes until all clear and waited another 15 minutes for elevator. I wasn't about to go up 6 flights.
Fire truck at Bldg. 14
Wednesday and John had his chemical stress test. He said it was a bit scary at times, but much better than he thought it would be.
Thursday took him to Florida Hospital Orlando for cardio cath. No extreme blockages, stent blocks OK around 60%, 20% of heart left. After his first heart attack in 1999, he lost 50% of his heart function. Doctor said he needs to eat right low fat, low salt. After test sent him back to Florida Hospital Winter Park. Probably send him home tomorrow.
I called Robert and we talked a bit. Today was his last day in the Air Force. He seems pretty happy about that. I love that they offered him a bus ride back to Boise. How rude. Anyway, he is flying home Sunday and will stay with Cathy for a little bit. We appreciate her generosity so much and I know Robert is happy to have a place to go and one where he will feel good.
Friday another day in hospital. Won't let him go home yet want kidney irregularity to be straightened out. You take these tests and take heavy medicines so everything in the body goes wacky.
Saturday, was positive he was going home. Doctor came in and said that he could not go home because he had to have his blood work done tomorrow which is Sunday and there is no doctor available for John who can review his coagulation. We will have to go to VA on Monday and figure out what we are going to do. Doctor wants his blood clotting checked every single day until they are sure about dose, so he can go home Sunday. I had to pack and move to another resort - from Kissimmee to Orlando. Too bad it wasn't the other way around since Orlando is closer to hospital. So John will come home to a new place.
Sunday, yeah, picked up John about 11:30 p.m. We went over to Subway for lunch since he had not eaten and it is healthy. We have to watch fats, salt and now Vitamin K. That sure limits what he can eat, but we will do our best to be careful. After lunch we stopped at Whole Foods and got some food. Boy is that stuff expensive. Picked up a few things. Came back to room. John laid down and took a good 2+ hour nap and I made our dinner. It is the evening, so we'll eat, watch a little TV and get to bed. It is so nice to have him home.
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